Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Gylasken: Deliever this message to the Queen in haste Asken!
Askengyl: Father!
GyLasken: I know why you are here Asken
Askengyl: What do you think they are up to down there Fig?.... we should ask father!
Equinight: Its a beautiful city
Erifnaeco: Thankyou, as is your home i'm sure!
Stranger: I will see you fail this mission Knight!
Queen Alemente: I know more than you can ever imagine...... My Lord!
Message Reads: Captain..... Welcome to Mergonia, we hope you find what you came for.
But I promise you I will stop at nothing to protect my people!.
If you change your mind I bid you farewell, If not I look forward to our meeting.
Signed Leerucano

Equinight: HOW!

Erifnaeco: Oh, I was told to give you this
Equinight: What is it?
Erifnaeco: I'm guessing a message of some sort........Laughs
Erifnaeco: Sorry I have always wanted to say that...... Laughs....... So stranger do you have a name?
Equinight: Equinight, what about yourself?
Erifnaeco: Erifnaeco.... Well we had better get you to Leerucano
Equinight: I was not expecting a welcoming guide.........Where are we going!!!!!!
Erifnaeco: To see Leerucano out Ruler, he is expecting you!
Equinight: EXPECTING ME!?

Erifnaeco: Friend or Foe?
Equinight: Laughs Would I admit to being a foe?
Lord Dalherathen: She will never understand what I turely want!.... No one will!
Lord Dalherathen: Why do you doubt my reasons for this war?
Queen Alemente: I do not believe it is Mergonia the you truely want!
Lord Dalherathen: What would you know about what I want!
Lord Dalherathen: Men of Dalherathen, return to your homes..... to your loved ones. Return by the next full moon when we shall claim what is ours!!!
Erifnaeco: I wonder who this stranger to out realm is........ and how Leerucano knows he is coming!?
Equinight: This is where I leave you my friend, should I survive this journey I shall see you again.......... I only hope I do not fail my Lord for he is all I know!
Erifaes (right): My Lord, Forgive my son and his disregard!
Leerucano: Erif.... Do not be so hard on him, I was not so different myself at his age!
Erifaes (right) : How dare you enter the cavern of light!..... You disgrace me!
Erifnaeco (left): Father, Forgive me, I just needed to know!