Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Gylasken: Deliever this message to the Queen in haste Asken!
Askengyl: Father!
GyLasken: I know why you are here Asken
Askengyl: What do you think they are up to down there Fig?.... we should ask father!
Equinight: Its a beautiful city
Erifnaeco: Thankyou, as is your home i'm sure!
Stranger: I will see you fail this mission Knight!
Queen Alemente: I know more than you can ever imagine...... My Lord!
Message Reads: Captain..... Welcome to Mergonia, we hope you find what you came for.
But I promise you I will stop at nothing to protect my people!.
If you change your mind I bid you farewell, If not I look forward to our meeting.
Signed Leerucano

Equinight: HOW!

Erifnaeco: Oh, I was told to give you this
Equinight: What is it?
Erifnaeco: I'm guessing a message of some sort........Laughs
Erifnaeco: Sorry I have always wanted to say that...... Laughs....... So stranger do you have a name?
Equinight: Equinight, what about yourself?
Erifnaeco: Erifnaeco.... Well we had better get you to Leerucano
Equinight: I was not expecting a welcoming guide.........Where are we going!!!!!!
Erifnaeco: To see Leerucano out Ruler, he is expecting you!
Equinight: EXPECTING ME!?

Erifnaeco: Friend or Foe?
Equinight: Laughs Would I admit to being a foe?
Lord Dalherathen: She will never understand what I turely want!.... No one will!
Lord Dalherathen: Why do you doubt my reasons for this war?
Queen Alemente: I do not believe it is Mergonia the you truely want!
Lord Dalherathen: What would you know about what I want!
Lord Dalherathen: Men of Dalherathen, return to your homes..... to your loved ones. Return by the next full moon when we shall claim what is ours!!!
Erifnaeco: I wonder who this stranger to out realm is........ and how Leerucano knows he is coming!?
Equinight: This is where I leave you my friend, should I survive this journey I shall see you again.......... I only hope I do not fail my Lord for he is all I know!
Erifaes (right): My Lord, Forgive my son and his disregard!
Leerucano: Erif.... Do not be so hard on him, I was not so different myself at his age!
Erifaes (right) : How dare you enter the cavern of light!..... You disgrace me!
Erifnaeco (left): Father, Forgive me, I just needed to know!

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Something Different

I know I never get round to updating but I just never seem to have time to scan in all my pictures and I have no tried my hand at some sculpting!

It's not finished as having 3 jobs does not leave me much free time! but it's getting there slowly,

It's nice to see Erifnaeco in 3D

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Way behind

Ok for anyone who is keeping up to date with this story i'm really sorry it has been so long since I added to it. But to let you all know tha story itself has gone a lot further then shown on here so anytime soon when I can get my pictures to up load there will be lots more for you all to read.

Again I can only apologise! but for those who know me you all know I have had real trouble with my internet connections lately!

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

lord Demtres: When Equinight returns we will be able to claim what is rightfully ours.....
Queen Alemente: You truely believe this?.....
Demtres: I know it in my soul......
Alemente: But not in your heart!....

The story continues...

Equinight: Through Sikyra pass is the only way to the surface entrance of Mergonia

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Another painting for a friend I never do any for me any more lol! I quite like this one very different to my usual style not bad for a couple of hours work

The story continues...

Erifnaeco: Maybe if I just knew what it was I wouldn't resent it so!

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

This is a scene from Askelsyand that I painted for another friend

Ok the story is to be continued.......
I am open to any suggestions anyone has!

But now for something slightly different, my friend Alastair challenged me to s scene from lord of the rings! he chose a beautiful and completely unnoticed scene and this is how it went!

Equinight: Sleep easy my friend for the journey ahead is long and perilous.

Erifnaeco: Why cant I fight, why am I destined to be the keeper of the light!?

Equinight: Come Emuogen, we have a long journey ahead of us.

It always helps if you publish the picture with the dialoge lol!
Scene 2:
Lord Demtres (Left): Bring me their light!

Equinight (Right): Yes My Lord!

Ok on to scene 1 sorry the quality of the scans has not come out too well.
Left dialoge box : pa, why the light?
Right dialoge box: Somethings are more precious then they appear, my son.


Ok sorry about major delays but I now have myself sorted and can start posting my story! lets start with the title lol!

Saturday, June 17, 2006


Hey sorry there hasn't been a post for a few days, but I've been away in London.
The first few scenes to the story are complete and will be posted as soon as I get a minute!