Saturday, June 17, 2006


Hey sorry there hasn't been a post for a few days, but I've been away in London.
The first few scenes to the story are complete and will be posted as soon as I get a minute!

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Some characters

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This is Erifnaeco, he is a young Mergon, with big dreams, but he is destined to follow in his fathers sted.

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Erifaes, Erifnaeco's father, keeper of the light under the water

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Equinight on his friend Emuogen, together they set out on a journey that doesn't lead them to where they were headed.

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Queen Elemente, She live with Lord Dalhearthen, but no one rules her.

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Lord Dalhearthen, has a secret even he doesn't know, he has grown greedy and wants to rule the three kingdoms of Askelsyand.

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Leerurcano, Kings of the seas

Now back to the story

A few more of my pictures in slightly different styles

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The latest of my big cats set

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I thought i'd try something different

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

More pictures

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Some more the next post will be the beginings of my comic book!!!

Sunday, June 04, 2006

The lead up to the story

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Starting with some of my work which has inspired the story

Starting at the begining

Lets begin the journey through Askelsyand, and maybe meet some new characters along the way.