Sunday, June 04, 2006

The lead up to the story

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Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Starting with some of my work which has inspired the story


Seraph said...

Hey! Finally a way to communicate with you that doesn't involve me finding where I put ur e-mail adress aheheh...

Anyway, cool pics. I think these are the first of your artworks I've seen in colour and they are truly sublime. Mind if I link to ya?

-Chris (if the picture's not a give away)

Equinoxe said...

Hey to both of you, I don't mind you linking me its cool, can I link both of you? Glad you like my pics there is plenty more to come lol!

Anonymous said...

hehehehehehe just read Greens post, it could be taken in a different context to the one that is ment! Anyway, hope EVERYONE in the world sees your blog, its so cool!